At 12:25 PM 6/6/99 -0400, you wrote:
I have my 2 computers networked with Samba, Linux (server) win98 (client) I would like to connect to the internet  with the Linux box and access the internet with the windows 98 machine, is there a way to do that?, and if so is it built in to Linux or do I have download software to do it, I hope that this is not to off topic for the newbie group, I am a newbie, myself and I am vigorously trying to learn linux as much as I can!!! :o) I have heard if IP masquerading but I do not think that win98 supports it, any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Lance DiBitetto

IP Masquerading *is* the answer.   Check out for the Linux IP Masquarade Resource.   You will want to read the IP Masquarade HOWTO.   There is a link that that on the page as well as other usefull information.

I am using it with a Linux (kernel 2.2.9) box as a gateway and three win98 systems.


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