Tigani B wrote:
> Hi, I'm sorry if mine is ot. I need help to solve my problem with my
> external modem. My External Hayes Accura V.34 + Fax modem can't be detected
> by LM 6.0.
> I've tried to set the link manually from /dev/ttyS0, ttyS1, ttyS2 (one by
> one each time) to /dev/modem, but it can't work too. I also have tried to
> use the modemtool comand but still it can't be detected and can't work till
> now. I tried in minicom to initialize the modem and to dial out but can't
> work too. I even tried in Linuxconf but the same. The modem works well in
> Windoze :). Could anybody help me?

I think it might work if you try cua0 or cua1 depending on if it is on
port 1 or 2 respectively.  That is the only selection that works with my
external modem.


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