Bob Springett wrote:
> I wrote recently about a problem with the load failure of Venus 6.0 on a
> PR200 Cyrix chipped PC . You answered part of the query but not why I
> couldn't load it. I have since read that others with the same chips have
> similar problems. Since one of the features of Venus 6.0 is to accomodate
> the Pentium, Cyrix and Win??? can you tell me if anything has been done to
> address this problem? I've tried  about 8 times to load, upgrade and it
> always 'bombs out' with error or sig 11.
> I believe you said that the kernel updates do much to alleviate certain
> problems but how do I update a system that I cannot load initially; I do not
> have CDROM writable facilities.Please tell me. Or alternatively is there a
> new disk available which includes all the upgrades?
> Festen remains on my machine working well.
> Kindest regards
> Bob Springett

I have the same problems. I've tried to load Mandrake at
least 10 times. I could get it to boot, but not
PS. I have a genuine (old) Pentium cpu.
Lloyd Osten

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