god, I wish I could get 1024x768 on MY 14 inch monitor!  I can't handle less
res than that, and on my other pc with a 17 inch monitor I'm running
1600x1200.  if only you and I could trade our graphics displays, we'd both be
happy!  :-)

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, you wrote: > I have a few questions
about Xfree86 with my hardware, first the only res > setting that I can get to
work for my graphics card (hercules terminator > 3d/dx) is 1024 by 768 and it
works flawlessly, but, I have a 14 in monitor > and as we all know that
resolution is fine on a 19 in. monitor but not a > small one. I want to run it
in 800 by 600 but it refuses to let me do it. > also I get all the settings set
up perfectly (except the graphics card res.) > and when I go back into the
setup to modify the resolution (making sure that > I use existing settings) the
mouse go's Crazy!!! after I save and reboot. I > check to make sure that none
of the settings have changed before I save it, > but it still changes the mouse
brand, it changes it from IMPS2 to PS2 > intellimouse, now I have a ps2
intellimouse but that setting does not work > but IMps2 does?? why does it do
that, why does it change AND why does it not > work with intellimouse in the
first place??? > also I ordered L-M 6.0 and was wondering if it has
intellimouse wheel > support? >  > sorry about my erratic sentence structure, I
just got up and am writing this > before I go to work.
> Lance DiBitetto

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