----- Original Message -----
From: Don Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 1:18 PM
Subject: [newbie] oh crap!!!!!!!!!!!

> ok, now I'm screwed.  I tried to upgrade my 2.2.9-19mdk kernel to
> I did this by typing rpm -Uvh packagename for each of the 4 main kernel
> packages (kernel, kernel-headers, kernel-pcmcia, kernel-source) and for
> initscripts package.  I didn't update lilo, for my own experimental
> what I got was a pc that wouldn't boot - when lilo tried to boot the old
> (which I presumed I still had) it would lock up immediately.  So I booted
> my backup boot floppy, no prob.  I tried correcting the lilo.conf file to
> the new kernel (I found that most of the old kernel files were now gone
from my
> /boot folder, although I had the impression they would still be there in
> my new kernel wouldn't boot).  when I rebooted I still got the same
problem -
> locked up as soon as it said the word "linux" under the lilo prompt.  So I
> booted from floppy again.  Now I mounted the cd-rom and did the
following - I
> removed the new (.27) kernel files by uninstalling them with rpm, and I
> reinstalled the old (.19) kernel files from the cd-rom.  when I rebooted
> re-editing my lilo.conf file to boot the .19 kernel once again) I can now
> and run just fine, as you can see.
> Now, how the hell do I get the 2.2.9-27 kernel running on my stupid system
> that I've returned to my old kernel again?
> I know there's been lots about this already, but I followed step by step
what I
> was supposed to do and it wouldn't run.  why?  do I need to install the
> kernelcfg-0.5.6mdk package as well?  did I miss something?
>  Don

I did the same thing before it was addressed, so don't feel too bad.  You
need to 'rpm -ivh' (not -Uvh) the kernel packages.  That way, if you do have
a problem with the new kernel, you can still boot with the old one.

Manny Styles
"If your parents never had children, chances are you won't either."  - Dick

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