John Knopp wrote:
> Hi all,
> I finally got the guts to install 6.0 and aside from a few petty error messages
> about missing MIME types on X startup all seems to be well.  I still have a
> question if someone has some spare time:
> How does one change to a different window manager (i.e., Afterstep)?  I have
> heard rumblings about something called a "desktop switcher" in 6.0 but I can't
> find any references to this in any manual or program menu and the Afterstep
> documentation is basically worthless.
> Thanks!
> John Knopp
> Mandrake 6.0

 Hi John,

first of all you should have a choice at login (if you do a graphical
login, there is a selection box, giving you the choice between the WM's
you installed, default is KDE). Altenatively, if you are already in
X-Windows and KDE, run "switchdesk" which will give you another choice.
However, you must of course have some other window manager installed...

bye, willy

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