On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Flight16 wrote:

> I'm getting a general protection fault every time I shutdown my Linux box.  This
> happens with both RedHat 6 and Mandrake 6, but not RedHat 5.2  I'm almost
> positive it's because it's trying to power off my computer.  Everything
> unmounts, kills, and shuts down fine; the system is halted, then it says
> "poweroff" and gives me the huge error which ruins my disk so bad I can't even
> start Linux.  How can I edit my init script for the shutdown process so it
> doesn't want to power off my PC?  I looked in the InitV editor, but all I found
> was halt.  Thanks for your help!!
> Flight16

Do not issue halt or shutdown -h use shutdown -r and powerdown manualy, if
you do use sysrq-u b wait for the bios info and poweroff manualy. 
You might try uninstalling the apm package (you might want to memorize 
those sysrq keys first) as this seems to solve the problem on some 
motherboards. as for editing line 31 of /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/S00reboot
change command="halt" to command="reboot" and do the manual powerdown
thing. And yes we are working on this problem

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