On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Flight16 wrote:

> For anybody else having the problem I was of a huge error crashing their system
> whenever the shutdown script tried to halt, it is because of the power off command,
> like Axalon said, but the specific problem comes from the -p parameter that tries to
> power down your pc.  This command is near the end in SShalt script..  Just look in
> your /etc/rc.d/rc0.d directory, and edit one of the last lines which contain "halt -i
> -d -p" so that it doesn't contain the p, and is just "halt -i -d" and any other
> parameters you used with it.  Hope this helps somebody else out there.   See ya.
> Flight16

Ah yes, an even better idea then you don't have to worry about a phone
ringing and missing the chance to power off manualy.

thanks guy..

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