On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

> Axalon....yep, it works on my system.  There are problems, but it works and
> it works as well as the downgrade of the three packages.  The problems that
> still exist are:
> 1) sndconfig does not autoidentify my card (it says it can't find a card).

What model do you have? 

> 2) sndconfig turns the volume down and then when it plays the sample I can't
> hear it.

Hmm, did you do a cold boot of the machine? sndconfig should make sure the
volume is resonable however so i'll look into a patch for it

> 3) sndconfig only plays one sample, the .au file of Linus' voice, but not
> the .midi file.

can you play midi afterwords by telling it yes, does it zero that volume

> But all of these problems existed when I used the RedHat rpms with Mandrake,
> but neither of them existed when I installed RedHat 6.0 itself.
> Alan

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