Hi everybody-

My problem still stems from trying to use ppp as user, rather than root. I
can get kppp to do something, but not to successfully negotiate a ppp
connection, when I run it as a user. Since I can get kppp to at least
dial, I've tried to work backwards from that point, to either debug kppp
and get it to actually achieve a ppp connection, or to copy kppp's process
and apply it to a script that I can run as user. More details are below:

Can anyone help me make sense of this one? kppp dials the modem and
-almost- works when I run as user. However, I always get an error
after connecting to my ISP, "LCP: timout on config-request", and kppp
tells me the remote server may not be configured properly. Running a
script from the consoler as root, I can connect just fine. Under kppp, 
when I run a ps and look at the pppd process, I get this:

100 S root 1196 1185 1 66 0 - 382 do_sel 13:29 ttyS1 00:00:00 \
  pppd -detach crtscts defaultroute -chap user alan debug 

        1) what is -chap doing there? I have pap set in kppp's config; is
that possibly the reason for the LCP timeout on cfgreq error? 
        2) what does kppp do to actually run pppd as root? Whatever I do,
I cannot make my term script do anything unless I run it as root. If I can
mimic whatever kppp is doing to access pppd and the modem, maybe I can
skip it altogether and just keep using my script, but as user rather than
root. -- I know the easy answer to that is suid on pppd, but that does
nothing for me. In some instances, I get an error that access is
prohibited to /dev/ttyS1; in others, I get errors that I can't use "name"
with pppd except as root -- are there ways around this? 

I've been working on this since almost day one of using linux, and keep
hoping that by providing more information here I'll get some good ideas.
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks much-


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