I used linuxconf. under root to set permission for my user account.   I had
problems like yours before I remembered to set the permissions

I hope this helps

Alan Schussman wrote:

> Hi everybody-
> My problem still stems from trying to use ppp as user, rather than root. I
> can get kppp to do something, but not to successfully negotiate a ppp
> connection, when I run it as a user. Since I can get kppp to at least
> dial, I've tried to work backwards from that point, to either debug kppp
> and get it to actually achieve a ppp connection, or to copy kppp's process
> and apply it to a script that I can run as user. More details are below:
> Can anyone help me make sense of this one? kppp dials the modem and
> -almost- works when I run as user. However, I always get an error
> after connecting to my ISP, "LCP: timout on config-request", and kppp
> tells me the remote server may not be configured properly. Running a
> script from the consoler as root, I can connect just fine. Under kppp,
> when I run a ps and look at the pppd process, I get this:
> 100 S root 1196 1185 1 66 0 - 382 do_sel 13:29 ttyS1 00:00:00 \
>   pppd -detach crtscts defaultroute -chap user alan debug
>         1) what is -chap doing there? I have pap set in kppp's config; is
> that possibly the reason for the LCP timeout on cfgreq error?
>         2) what does kppp do to actually run pppd as root? Whatever I do,
> I cannot make my term script do anything unless I run it as root. If I can
> mimic whatever kppp is doing to access pppd and the modem, maybe I can
> skip it altogether and just keep using my script, but as user rather than
> root. -- I know the easy answer to that is suid on pppd, but that does
> nothing for me. In some instances, I get an error that access is
> prohibited to /dev/ttyS1; in others, I get errors that I can't use "name"
> with pppd except as root -- are there ways around this?
> I've been working on this since almost day one of using linux, and keep
> hoping that by providing more information here I'll get some good ideas.
> If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks much-
> -alan

The more things change, the more they stay insane.

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