Thank you very much Gerry, bait is such a wonderful thing isn't it ;)

you can also use man -K "insert something to look for here", man will
prompt you yes/no/quit when it finds a page containing your search.
yes displays it no doesn't and quit quits

On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, gerry wrote:

> Karen,
> At the command line  "su" (substitute user) [in this case you need to
> become rootuser to change the permission of /dev/midi*, so you will need
> to enter the root's password] and then type
> ls -al /dev/midi*
>       (the "*" is there, because, at least on my system there are 4 separate
> files, /dev/midi00, /dev/midi01,... look at the letters/permissions that
> start the lines)
>                             owner group other    (hoped that lined up ok)
> probably something like ...   crw-rw-r-- 
> you and Charles want _a_ll users to be able to write /dev/midi* (want
> that second "-" from the end to turn into a  "w")
> so this is what you probably want to type
>           chmod -v a+w /dev/midi*
> (the -v option above gives you "verbose" output)
> Repeating the  ls -al /dev/midi* command will also show the changes. 
> Now quickly, before you for forget, type "exit" or use "Ctrl+D" to exit
> from root user back to "yourself."
> Axalon was brief, but to the point, in his assistance.  
> In the future, if given a clue like that you can use "apropos" and "man"
> (and sometimes "info") to gather  background, and often sufficient,
> information to solve your problem.
> type  "apropos permission"  (in fact, you can get away with typing
> "apropos perm")
> and then type "man chmod"  [use <spacebar> to go to the next screen and
> <q> to quit.]
> You may want to browse "man man"  as well.  (man refers to "manual" as
> in "instructions")
> If apropos doesn't work, then, as root, again, type "makewhatis" (to get
> a brief idea about what's happening, you can type "man whatis"].  Don't
> forget to use "exit" or C-d (control-d), to leave rootuser, after you're
> done."
> [btw (by the way), I really wish you'd let me be the judge of who's
> dumb, stupid, uninformed, miseducated, uneducated, turtle-brained,
> slug-headed,... (and who's not)<g>.]
> Hope that helps.
> gerry
> Karen R wrote:
> > 
> > Axalon wrote:
> > >
> > > Fix the permissions on /dev/midi* and it should be ok
> > >
> > > On 5 Jul 1999, Charles Sprague wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello:
> > > >
> > > >   Can anyone here tell me how to get the Kmidi program in KDE to work while
> > > > logged in as a user, not root?  I'm using Mandrake 5.3 (festen). [snip]
> > 
> > i have the same problem; but i guess i'm dumber than charles.... would
> > you
> > be so kind as to explain 'how' to change those permissions?
> > 
> > thanks so much
> > 
> > karen

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