gerry wrote:
> Axalon was brief, but to the point, in his assistance.

Axalon is sooooooo smart!!  Maybe this grandma will be that smart
someday??   sigh......

Karen wrote:
> > i have the same problem; but i guess i'm dumber than charles...

gerry wrote:
> [btw, I really wish you'd let me be the judge of who's
> dumb, stupid, uninformed, miseducated, uneducated, turtle-brained,
> slug-headed,... (and who's not)<g>.]
> Hope that helps.
> gerry

Ah, gerry, you sure did help!!  But you have no idea of the fog I
struggle under at times with Linux.... but, if you insist! I'll let you
be the judge <vbg> LOL  :-)


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