Does this mean that Bill Gates thought we would never need more than 300 MHz machines, like his old statement that we would never need more than 640K of RAM.   ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Winston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Chucklechuckle. Hey, do you remember me writing you to ask why I
>couldn't boot my Win95 hard drive after installing a new motherboard? I
>discovered the source of the problem and the solution, and you might
>want to pass it on, because, judging from the traffic on Dejanews, a
>ton of people are having the hassle.
>It is based on a conflict between Win95 versions ending in B or C and
>AMD K6 cpu's running faster than 300mhz. Both AMD and Microsoft have a
>patch that cures it. But first, you have to reset motherboard jumpers
>so your chip is running at 300mhz or slower. then you download the
>patch, install it, reset your motherboard, and you be done. adios,
>Steve w.

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