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I dont really get the apache question but if the website if remote then u can
use somehting like wget to mirror the site.  If it is local u can set a cron to
copy the contents to another directory.  Actually come to think of it u can use
wget for the local as well just point to the loopback and set a cron to run it
at predetermined intervals.

As for your email question I think fetchmail and procmail combination is what u
might be looking for.  I am sorry but I have never used procmail but I know
that u can configure it to filter base on headers and strings and stuff and
make rules to deliver the matching messge to wherever.  U can use fetchmail to
pop (or imap) from different pop boxes by configuring the .fetchmailrc file in
your home directory.  The syntax is really easy to use.

Hope I was of some help.  Post again if u need more details.

On 08-Jul-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just finished installing mandrake, and need to do some 
> configuration.
> Can anyone tell me how to set up apache so that I can have my 
> virtual server mirrored locally?
> Are there any good files explaining how to set up e-mail 
> distribution? I'd like to download e-mail from a variety of POP boxes 
> and divide on x-smtp-envelope: to different users (and some 
> perhaps to launch perl scripts).
> James.

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