Thank you very much. I'll give it a try as soon as I boot into Linux.


flupke wrote:

> Type netconf at a root prompt.
> You can also do it with linuxconf.
> Or if you are new to linux and like mental masturbation, you can do it
> with the "modprobe", "ifconfig" and "route" commands. It's really
> interresting and instructive, but it may sound like a waste of time if you
> don't want to spend several hours understanding how it all works.
> Flupke
> On Mon, 8 May 2000, Glenn Johnson wrote:
> > Hi all. Installing Mandrake 7 there is a option to setup a dialup connection or
> > a LAN. I want both. How do I get back into a 'setup' program to install the LAN
> > support?
> >
> > Glenn...
> >
> >

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