On Thu, 08 Jul 1999, Matt Milano wrote:
> Hi.
> My kppp dialer always says I'm connecting at 38400, yet when I try to
> download a program, my transfer speed drops down anywhere from 700 to
> 800bps. I have a 56K modem. Is there anyway to increase that speed to a
> more reasonable level? Nothing like spending 18 hours to download word
> proccessor!:-)

If kppp shows 38400, 57600, or 115200 for your connection speed, it's not
showing the actual speed your modem is connected at, it's showing you the port
speed you have set in kppp's configuration.  And for a 56k modem your port speed
should be set at at LEAST 57600, not 38400, and 115200 would be preferable. 
You can change that under the 'Device' tab in kppp's configuration.
> Also, when I try to send mail from Kmail, I get a 550 error message,
> saying that my user, name and e-mail address, doesn't exist. It just
> worked last night too. I can receive mail with it, just not send. Does
> anyone have any ideas?

Check your settings in kmail and make sure all your settings (particularly the
settings for sending mail under the 'Network' tab) are correct.  If you're sure
those are correct, I'm not sure what the problem can be... hopefully someone
else can help you better than I.


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