On Mon, 08 May 2000, you wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Yants wrote:
> > how do i write shell scripts..?
> > can someone please show me an example...
> > 
Here's an example from Richard Petersen's handy
Linux Programmer's Reference: (Good book to have around)

#Program to allow the user to select different
#ways of listing files
echo s. List Sizes
echo l. List All file info
echo c. List C files
echo -n "Please enter choice: "
read choice
case $choice in
       ls -s
       ls -l
        ls *.c
      echo Invalid Option
copy it, save it as, for example, lschoice, and chmod u+x so that you can
execute it by typing ./lschoice

Irv Mullins          

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