On Sat, 10 Jul 1999, Dan Brown wrote:

> From: Axalon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > No there is no limit of pc's only line length and that actualy depends
> on
> > the cable quality.
>     Not so.  Actually, I was wrong too--the max is 30 PCs per 10Base2
> segment.  You can populate up to three segments with computers, using
> repeaters between the segments.  Each segment can be no more than 185
> meters long.

This is the key here. It doesn't power up and go opps you have 31 pc's
i'm going to shut off. It powers up and test the signal, if it's not
within the defined standard it does what ever the manufacturer told it to
do. A repeater (in laymens terms) is just an amplifier/filter combination.
So uh whats the signal loss / resistance on a 185meter section of cat5, 
should anyone have the equipment to test or know where to locate the iso
specs it'd make wonderful trivia..

>  If you need more than 90 computers on an ethernet network,
> you can (1) use one or more routers to split the network, (2) use
> 10BaseT (UTP), or (3) use 10Base5 (thicknet).

Oh and my bnc hubs hold 10 secments and one uplink port

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