Hello folks,

I've recently encountered a very strange bug in Venus. I was trying to install
as /home (total of hdb) during install...and it installed fine. (or so it
seemed). But at bootup, it dies with a veritable waterfall of repeated weird
errors. Reboot. Still the same.

Then I thought, rats...my hdd is gone?

Tried to use "server-default" install. It installs on hda as expected. hdb is
left alone. Then, I try to fdisk hdb and that cascading weird error message
thingie strikes again. After that, I can't even get a "du" or "df" without the
same error messages. (only ctrl-c ends it and gives me the command line)

Rebooting enables me to log on...but as soon as I try to do anything with hdb,
it goes nuts again.

So, I try a different tact. Removed all drives, installed the offending (Seagate
ST32532A) drive as hda and cdrom drv as hdb. It boots the CD and upon trying to
install, it gave me something about partition invalid or something. Or partition
record invalid or something like that. Basically, it says I do not have a valid
drive/partition to install.

Hmm...okay, so maybe my disk is all messed up? Tried booting Win98's boot disk.
Then, using (MS) fdisk /mbr, then (MS) fdisk to partition...then reboot with
floppy and format c:/s.

Success! No errors, no bad sectors, nothing. I thought..what the fsck?!? Tried
to install Venus again on that seagate drive...but it STILL gave me the same
error as above. No valid device to install.

Then...I decided to try Festen (Mandrake 5.3) just to see if it's a Venus only
bug...and what do you know? It installs without a hitch.

I honestly have no idea what the problem is. The seagate drive has been
performing without any problems whatsoever ever since I bought it 1 year ago.
And I've used it with NT, Win98, Festen with no probs. Oh, I also tried
installing FreeBSD 3.2 and it also works.

I don't know if this problem exists for RedHat 6.0 (I don't have a copy) but I
don't really care about Red Hat...it's Mandrake that I want to use. Strangely
enough, Venus installs with no problems on the other drives I have. (a number of
Seagate and Quantum drives of various denominations)

For your info, the 'problem' hdd is:
Seagate ST32532A
LBA, UDMA 2, 2.5 gig.

Now that I have Festen up and running on this drive, I'll try to install Venus
on it...

Kuraiken - Python fanatic.
Python. Try it. It'll swallow you whole!

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