I think, that if you right click on the time in the lower right corner of
the screen you can get the set time applet.   There is a checkbox for GMT,
uncheck it.   If you can't access it that way, browse through the menus from
the K button or better yet use the kcontrol panel icon on the task bar and
it might be in there.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ty C. Mixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Looks like you have your clock set to GMT.  I know there is a way to tell
> weather you want local time or GMT when installing, but I don't know how
> change it later.
> Sorry!
> Ty C. Mixon
> -----Original Message-----
> I am having a problem . The clock on my panel displays the
> time incorrectly . It is 6 hours behind . I have looked
> through the entire K menu , help files , etc . I cannot find
> out where , or how to change the time Can someone please help
> me .

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