
You have selected install.  One way to avoid the problem is to choose
"Workstation" and let the installer worry about the unformatted or non-windows
partitions.  The second way is to select CUSTOM and use Disk Druid.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES select SERVER, because this installation wipes your disks
before putting the server together.

Once you are in DD, you will see a screen that identifies current partitions on
both disks.  If you want to communicate with windows files later, this is a
great time to give names like /dos to a windows partition, /dos1 to the next,

If you have partitions that you will not otherwise use, delete them all and then
begin to add new partitions.

Here is a sort of minimal set.

/boot of 30 M
NON=labeled Linux Swap partition of a size equal to twice your memory, but no
larger than 127M.
/     A root partition to take the rest of the disk.

Disk Druid will line up your partitions so they are on CYLINDER boundaries.
This means you will often get more Mb than you ask for, but never less.  So if
you ask for a 127Mb swap partition, Druid might tell you it is too big because
the boundary falls at 131Mb.  You have to tinker with these sizes a little to
get exactly what you want.  If you leave a couple Mb at the end of the disk, so
much the better.  There is a transparent way some filesystems can use this to
substitute for bad blocks.

This is just about what you would get with the WORKSTATION installation.



> When i get th the section ofstallation that requires me to use fdisk or disk
> druid, i dont know how to use either. i want to install mandrake on my second
> hard drive, but i am clueless on how to set it up in disk druid. i always get
> error messages telling me i have to make more partitions before i can
> continue the installation.
> thank you in advince.
> jerrud

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