You will need to go find the book on your monitor if you still have it to
set this up, but you can also just let the utility probe it for info.
It's better than when Leo did his demo several months ago.   In fact when I
set up my Mandrake box I used the settings for the monitor in the Xfree86
setup section, but I found out that on my second install I didn't need to
enter this info.   I just let the installer probe the video card and
monitor and all was fine.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Salts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Hello, list:
>During your LM installation, were you asked about your monitor's highest
>resolution and refresh rate?
>I ask this because I watched Leo Laporte and co-host install Linux Red Hat
>5.X on one of their computers and the above monitor data was one of the
>questions that the install process asked for.
>I looked up on my Win98 monitor properties and, I think, found the highest
>res. to be 1600 X 1200 but there was no refresh rate specified.  Could
>that info anywhere.
>Would that be important to this LM 6.0 install or not?
>Thanks for any pointers

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