I agree with Brian...

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Ripcrd6 wrote:

> Here's a thought for you.   What if somebody comes in and steals your PC.
> I have a password on my BIOS so if some Ba*tard steals it, all he gets is a
> doorstop.   Maybe if someone knows what they are doing they could clear
> this, but I want to make it damn difficult.   I had my house broke into
> last year and they took a VCR, TV and camcorder.   I doubt they saw my PC
> in the other room and the dog probably woke up by then, but the neighbor
> across the street lost tons of stuff.
> My point, if we all used passwords on PCs like we put locks on our houses,
> those lowlifes would have less motivation to steal our stuff.  /*rant off
> Brian

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