> Then run Linux . . .  ;)

I am not the only user of the computer--I have to share it.  My dad uses
Office on it, and everyone uses DOS games.  Just so you know, X runs
very, very slowly, so don't bother suggesting using a X Window Office

I read that Das Boot document, and I learned a lot from it.  How about I
make the core Linux partition the "active" partition and put LILO on
it?  My goal is to allow DOS and Windows to play with its partition boot
sector as they see fit without jeopardizing LILO.  I'll make LILO
default to DOS so I won't risk having my brother turn on the computer,
accidentally go to Linux, and turn off the computer to "fix" the problem
(I know he would do that).

It's starting to sound like I am ready to do this now.  I'm not
forgetting anything, am I?  Before I start, I have some backing up to
do.  I also need a Windows 95 CD and Microsoft Office.  I don't have
those, so maybe I can dupe a friend into letting me borrow his.

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