Run linuxconf from command line or from Kmenu--choose lilo and you can set it to default to one or the other.  The delay should be adjustable somewhere, but I have never found it annoying.  I use d for winDoze and l for linux, on the one machine where I still have winblows.

Now, as to netscape, hmmm.  Try this first--once you launch Kppp and connect click the icon to bring up your /home/username directory in kfm, and enter in the line that says file:/home/whatever a URL address, say   Tell us what message kfm gives you, if it does not go to the site.    If you get the site, then try downloading a good netscape through one of the L-M mirror sites  (give kfm the URL, raise another kfm window, and DRAG the file to your home directory, the file manager will respond "copying") then reinstall.
To reinstall and avoid problems doing it, first log on as root and drag the netscape downloads to root's home directory.

If the files have a .gz exttension on the filename, then raise a terminal and type

gunzip  *.gz

go up one level with kfm, then back to your /root directory and the netscape files will be covered with red 'R' symbols  click on 'common' and let Kpackage install it, then install Navigator and Communicator.

Now log on as an ordinary user and start Netscape.  It should give you some dialog about licenses and a couple of error screens informing you that directoryies didn't exist and are being created.  After that, you should see a
"file" screen and be able to type URI/URL locators into the address line.  To set up mail, edit "preferences" and establish identity and your mail servers.


Ric Cooney wrote:

Hi all, first let me thank Civileme for the info for a digest form of this

Now the questions:

1- is there a way to get Lilo to give me a choice about booting w98 or
I have it set to allow me to type Dos in at the boot prompt, But I would
like it to wait for me to respond.

2- Now to biggie. I use Kde and want to use Netscape. I have gotten Kppp to
launch my isp ( but I cant get on the net or get mail.
does any one have tutorial for configuring Netscape for

This is my first experience with Linux. I'm using Mandrake. I've ordered
O'Reilly & Assoc. but I'd really like to get on now.


Ric Cooney, N3BRB
Aquatic Gardeners Association
Baltimore, MD

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