On Sat, 24 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> > Netscape 4.6 sometimes unexpectedly quits when I close one navigator window. Is
> > this a problem that is fixed in 4.61? Where can I download 4.61?

In the "cooker" pre-release. there's RPMs of Netscape 4.61 (regular
and Communicator. Alternatively, you can d/l it directly from
http://home.netscape.com.  It would probably be in tar.gz form at
Netscape.  If you need a secure browser (128 bit; Netscape refers to
it as strong encryption), you can get that there, too. If you don't
live in North America, you can still get strong encryption from
http://www.fortify.net  (it's in Australia, so the US gov't rules
don't apply)


> This is from Windows experience.  I see no reason for Netscape to be
> different in Linux.  I'd know better if I could *connect* to the
> Internet in Linux, but... modem manufacturers seem to think that
> Winmodems are popular.

Winmodems are popular with manufacturers because they are cheaper to
make. (ah, that old profit motive again) Unfortunately, as we have
seen, they don't work with anything else.I bought one for a computer
that never ran anything but Windows.Unfortunately, the computer was
too wimpy to handle a Winmodem. I would never buy another.

My advice to you would be to buy either an external modem or an ISA
REAL modem.

Lloyd Osten

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