On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Thomas J. Hamman wrote:

> On 23-Jul-99 darkknight wrote:
> > On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Ken Wilson wrote:
> >> Try using fdisk, it's command line and a litte more terse.  "Definitely"
> >> read the man page before starting though as it is very powerful and you can
> >> cause all sorts of destruction if you're not careful.
> >> 
> >> >
> >> > what's the command to run disk druid from a terminal?
> >> >
> > 
> > If fdisk is a bit confusing for you, try using cfdisk, it is in /sbin I
> > believe.
> > It is a bit easier to use for someone new to linux. Text based graphics and
> > you can manuver around with the cursor keys and tabkey. Anyone who 
> > ever installed SlackWare will know it right away.
> > 
> > John Love
> > 
> On the subject of cfdisk and fdisk, does anyone know why cfdisk would give me
> this message:
>                      FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6:
>                           Press any key to exit cfdisk    
> and refuse to work, while fdisk and disk druid work just fine with no such
> errors?
> hda6 (I assume that's what's referred to by 'logical partition 6') is my swap
> partition, and I don't know what would be wrong with it.  I first got that
> message when I was playing around with installing Slackware (at least that
> forced me into acquainting myself with fdisk), so I thought it might have just
> been Slackware, but cfdisk gives me the same thing in Mandrake.
> -Tom

whats fdisk -l say, also the table printout from fdisk in expert mode.

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