> > FIPS, eh?  Yeah, I read that it could resize partitions as well.  Does
> > anyone have any success stories?  Any reports of failures?
> Fips basically performs one function:  It takes a DOS partition, and splits it
> into two smaller partitions.  It cannot resize Linux partitions, and it cannot
> (as far as I know..) make DOS partitions larger, it can only make a DOS
> partition smaller.
> So it is perfect for the typical user who has Windows on one partition that
> takes up their entire HD, and wants to make some space to install Linux without
> wiping Windows.  I used it myself for that and it worked fine.

Thanks.  I'll keep that in mind.
> > Since I'll have to reformat the disk to the BIOS format instead of the
> > Ontrack Proprietary Format, I'm going to lose my data anyway.
> >
> > <lightbulb>
> >
> > First, I think I'll empty the C: (which is a compressed partition ala
> > DoubleSpace).  Then I'll move all the important DOS/Windows files onto
> > it.  Next, I'll reformat and repartition the big hard disk.  I can
> > reinstall everything I want onto it, and I can recover the important
> > data and hard-to-find programs from the C:.  After that, I can redo the
> > old hard disk so that it has two partitions (one msdos and one ext2).
> > This plan will reduce the need for floppy backups (except for backing up
> > my Linux stuff--which I don't have much of yet).
> Things will be a little easier on you if you make at least TWO Linux
> partitions, a / partition and a /home partition.

Either I forget to mention that or I forget to mention my swap partition
(or both!).  Don't worry.  I am planning out (on paper, no less) my
partition structure so that it works great in Linux *and* in DOS (with
the drive letter names I want).  I will have a total of four
Linux-related partitions: /, /home, <swap>, and backup.  I'm not quite
sure how to mount the backup into things yet...

I think I should make a /backup directory (is there anything wrong with
adding straight to the root directory?).  I would like to assign each
user a folder on the backup disk, but that's not too hard.  What I
*really* would like would be if each user had a ~/backup directory.  I
guess I can do that with symlinks and an enhanced adduser script.

By the way, what's the difference between symbolic and hard links?

> Most of your user-specific
> configuration files go in your home directory, and you can toss anything else
> you might want to hold onto there too (I keep all the tar.gz and rpm files I
> download there, so I can reinstall them conveniently later without
> redownloading).




would work.

> Then if you reinstall Linux, choose to reformat / but NOT to
> reformat /home, and you will keep everything that's in your home directory.

Good.  Now that that's settled... is there anything wrong with making a
/backup directory and mounting the secondary hard disk to it?

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