Go to http://developer.soundblaster.com/linux/ for the linux module.

Then go to http://www.whitem.demon.co.uk/sblive.htm for a copy of some rough
instructions. Note that this is not a properly authored web page - just a
copy of what i have previously sent to the mailing list - it's lengthy-ish,
so i thought it would save the sanity of the rest of the list to put it
there instead.

Note also that the instructions assume you have the '2.2.9-19mdk' kernel, if
you have '2.2.9-27mdk' kernel change the directory name accordingly. If you
have any other kernel, then you should know what you're doing enough to get
it working ;-) ...

If there is demand i could turn it into something authored properly, but i'm
no expert on the subject and i don't really think there's the need for it !


PS: You should probably switch to sending plain text to this mailing list -
it doesn't bother me (in fact i prefer html), but html's against the rules
really, and i've been flamed for sending it plenty of times in the past.

----- Original Message -----
From: chagilt
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Redhat 6 and Soundblaster Live

Yeah, that would be great if u could cc the instructions, but where on sb's
site am I looking exactly....I have the liveware updates and what not but
haven't found what u are referring to quite yet...

thanks for your help
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin White
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Redhat 6 and Soundblaster Live

Have you downloaded the modules from creatives site ??

If not, get them, then i can CC a recent mail to the list with instructions
(or you could look in the archive - it was only Friday night / saturday
morning i sent it !!)

----- Original Message -----
From: chagilt
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 6:43 AM
Subject: [newbie] Redhat 6 and Soundblaster Live

I recently installed a Soundblaster Live on my system and went to configure
it with Redhat 6.0...but everytime I do so I receive the message "device is
busy"....any ideas?


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