I know i'm not the person you directed your mail to, but i'm going to reply
anyway !!

I thought the sound of the SBLive was pretty crappy under linux with the
first two versions of the driver, but with the advent of the new version,
things seem to sound considerably better now (or is that just my perception

I must say though that what sets the SBLive apart from some of the other
higher end cards in creative's range - the Awe64 even if we go a way back -
is meant to be the stuff live environmental audio, creatives sound fonts,
etc. etc.

AFAIK, none of this is yet available under linux, and therefore if you
solely run linux, at the moment you would probably be wasting your money.

If like me you want blindingly good sound when you're watching DVDs, playing
games or whatever you do under Windows, and want as a bonus for your linux
install to sound good too, then go ahead and get one, it's well worth the
money !!


----- Original Message -----
From: darkknight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Redhat 6 and Soundblaster Live

> On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, chagilt wrote:
> > Hey I would just like to thank all of you for your help with the
> > soundblaster live...with your advice i had it up and running in under 30
> > minutes...thanks a lot all!!!
> >
> > Chad Guilette
> Hi Chad,
> Just wandering, How does it it sound under Linux?
> I have been thinking of getting an SB Live but was not sure if it would be
> worth  the investment. What is your esessment of it's sound under Linux?
> Thanks in advance,
> John Love

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