Even though this is a kludge solution, here is what I've done in the past.
Boot to a dos floppy.  Run windows setup.  I don't know what windows does,
but both win 98 and win 95 remove LILO and make it boot like windows
normally would.

At 06:08 PM 7/29/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello , here is my dilemma . I have to clean out this computer
>, remove linux and set it up with windows 98 for my daughter
>for college . Anyway , I MS Fdisked it , then formatted it .
>When it goes to boot , LILO kicks in . I thought that would be
>gone . MS Fdisk doesn't find it , neither does disk druid , or
>linux Fdisk . How do I get LILO out of here ?

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