OK, I've gone back to the old kernel & kernel-pcmcia rpms, which I tried
upgrading hoping to solve a problem I was having with getting assigned
an IP with DHCP in the first place.  Here's the log info I have
involving the ethernet adapter:
ifup: Determining IP information for eth0...
pumpd[1629]: starting at Fri Aug  6 13:38:03 1999
kernel: etho0: autodetected 10baseT
ifup:  failed.
ifup: Operation failed.

<<<<< 10 second time gap while I pulled ethernet card here >>>>>

kernel: alloc_skb called nonatomically from interrupt c0150c75
cardmgr[450]: shutting down socket 1
cardmgr[450]: executing: './network stop eth0'
cardmgr[450]: + Operation failed.
cardmgr[450]: + etho0: unknown interface: No such device
cardmgr[450]:executing: 'rmmod 3c589_cs'

<<<<< 12 second time gap while I re-inserted the card here >>>>>

cardmgr[450]: initializing socket 1
kernel: eth0: 3Com 3c589, port 0x300, irq 9, Auto port, hw_addr
cardmgr[450]: socket 1: 3Com 3CXE589E Ethernet
cardmgr[450]: executing: 'insmod
cardmgr[450]: executing: './network start eth0'
kernel: eth0: autodetected 10baseT
cardmgr[450]: + Determining IP information for eth0... Operation failed.
cardmgr[450]: + failed.
cardmgr[450]: start cmd exited with status 1

Some Notes:
The PCMCIA ethernet card in question is a 3Com model 3CXE589ET (I
believe the same as the other 3CXE589Ex series but with the X-Jack
connector instead of the dongle).
It seems to detect my 3Com 56K modem just fine, though I haven't gotten
around to playing with it yet.  (Maybe I should.)

        - Theo

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