----- Original Message -----
From: John Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 06, 1999 1:38 PM
Subject: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP

>Please help me! I *need* to copy a whole bunch of downloaded files, rpm's
etc to my ATAPI Zip drive, before my >system crashes completely. It would
save me a lot of time that I don't have to download them all again. Please
>reply before I have to do a reinstall!
>I *do not* know how to do this procedure, I need some one to walk me
through it, please treat me as a "Linux >retard" as if you were telling
someone who knew absolutely nothing about Linux.
>I do know some things, but for the life of me cannot figure this out. I
have done the following, which allows me to >mount and unmount it as a vfat
filesystem. Have also put an icon on my desktop which allows me to mount and
>unmount like the cd and floppy.
>John Connell
>#cd /mnt/
># mkdir /zip
>Also added the following line to my /etc/fstab file--
>/dev/hdd4     /zip     vfat     user,noexec,nodev,nosuid,rw,noauto     0 0

Unless you made a typo, you should have "/mnt/zip" (no quotes), not just
"/zip" in that line.  I have a parallel port zip drive, not ATAPI, but I
believe that everything else in your line is correct (mine uses /dev/sda4).
You can check the archives of this list; I believe someone just addressed
this same issue last week.  If you only use the drive for linux, you can set
it as "ext2fs" instead of "vfat", or "auto" if you have some zip disks
formatted for Windows, and others for linux.

Manny Styles

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