Open a konsole, type mount /mnt/zip, type cp /bin/bash /mnt/zip,
type ls -l /mnt/zip, do you see i file called bash? if so you can drag and
drop between two kfm, if not it's most likely a permissions problem sense
you wipeing the system just copy them as root it's not worth setting it
all up for user access if your just going to format.

On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, John Connell wrote:

> Manny Styles wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: John Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, August 06, 1999 1:38 PM
> > Subject: [newbie] ATAPI ZIP
> >
> > >Please help me! I *need* to copy a whole bunch of downloaded files, rpm's
> > etc to my ATAPI Zip drive, before my >system crashes completely. It would
> > save me a lot of time that I don't have to download them all again. Please
> > >reply before I have to do a reinstall!
> > >
> > >I *do not* know how to do this procedure, I need some one to walk me
> > through it, please treat me as a "Linux >retard" as if you were telling
> > someone who knew absolutely nothing about Linux.
> > >
> > >I do know some things, but for the life of me cannot figure this out. I
> > have done the following, which allows me to >mount and unmount it as a vfat
> > filesystem. Have also put an icon on my desktop which allows me to mount and
> > >unmount like the cd and floppy.
> > >Thanks,
> > >John Connell
> > >
> > >#cd /mnt/
> > ># mkdir /zip
> > >
> > >Also added the following line to my /etc/fstab file--
> > >/dev/hdd4     /zip     vfat     user,noexec,nodev,nosuid,rw,noauto     0 0
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Unless you made a typo, you should have "/mnt/zip" (no quotes), not just
> > "/zip" in that line.  I have a parallel port zip drive, not ATAPI, but I
> > believe that everything else in your line is correct (mine uses /dev/sda4).
> > You can check the archives of this list; I believe someone just addressed
> > this same issue last week.  If you only use the drive for linux, you can set
> > it as "ext2fs" instead of "vfat", or "auto" if you have some zip disks
> > formatted for Windows, and others for linux.
> >
> > Manny Styles
> > ---
> >
> > ________________________________________________________
> > NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
> > Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at
> >
> Manny,
> Actually this is what my fstab looks like exactly. My problem is I can mount
> and unmount, but do not know how to *physically* put the file onto the actual
> disk. When I  try to move them they just go into the /mnt/zip *directory.* I
> checked the free space on the zip disk prior to moving and *after* moving--with
> *no* change to its size! Maybe I am doing something wrong, wish I could figure
> it out.............
> /dev/hdd4        /mnt/zip         ext2           user,noauto,rw      00
> John

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