Bert Bullough wrote:
> Can someone give me an example of their fstab entry ( preferably one
> with an entry for mounting a windows partition) so that i can see what i
> am doing wrong. Thanks.

These work for me:
        /dev/hda2   /mnt/dosc   vfat   rw,gid=100,umask=2   0   0
        /dev/hda5   /mnt/dosd   vfat   rw,gid=100,umask=2   0   0
        /dev/hdb5   /mnt/dosf   vfat   rw,gid=100,umask=2   0   0

where hda is for the first hard drive and hdb is for the second.
RW is for read/write, gid=100 is for ability to use from the group
ID of 100 of which I added my user id.
To know for sure what the hdxx numbers are you can run fdisk and see
them.  /sbin/cfdisk /dev/hda or /sbin/cfdisk /dev/hdb etc.
All of the above needs to be done as su or root.

Then you should add with the mkdir command a folder for dosc, dosd, etc.
Here's how: mkdir /mnt/dosc
            mkdir /mnt/dosd

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