I have a Linux Mandrake 6.0 box up and running, and I am experimenting with
switching over some or all of my NT servers over to Linux.

I am having a problem, however, with gaining access to the box VIA FTP. I
have set up the user accounts (using linuxconf) with FTP being a
supplimentary group, and then set up the group FTP with the users I desire
to have FTP access. When I try to FTP into the box, no matter what username
and password I use it denies the  access. I can, however, log in anon, but I
get nothing in the files except for what appears to be about 10 linux system
files in theLib directory. Otherwise when I log in anonimously the
directorys are blank  I have  searched the man pages for:  ftpd, berol, and
berolftpd and I come up blank

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong ?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ken Hodges, President~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ACME BrainWorks, Inc.          http://www.rabun.net

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          Where Spring Spends the Summer
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