I tried running the BeroFTPD on my system and never did get it working
properly. The only difference is that I was trying to log in as a user. I
could log in anonymously with no problems. Have you run the BeroFTPD config
yet ? This allows you to configure your anon accounts, directorys, and

By the way, I finally un-installed BeroFTPD and installed wu-ftpd instead
and everything seems to be working  now. You may want to give this a try as
a last resort.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ken Hodges, President~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ACME BrainWorks, Inc.          http://www.rabun.net

               Rabun County, Georgia
          Where Spring Spends the Summer
        Business Office Phone: 706-782-9239
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----- Original Message -----
From: John Brack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 12:47 PM
Subject: [newbie] anonftp?

> Ok...
> I've checked and double checked to make sure that inet is
> being started at system boot. It is. I've also made sure that
> anonftp is installed. it is. BeroFTPD is also installed.
> when I try to ftp into my system I get a "service not available"
> message.
> should there be some mention of anonftp in my inetd.conf file
> in /etc or?
> what am I missing here.

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