I was having that problem with LILO. It displays the LI then freezes right?
well what I did is went into the etc directory and found this .0300 file and
used the dd command with some arguments to replace the mbr with the old
version. I found the command in some faq on the CD. The question is how do I
remove LILO from an MS-DOS partition or something like that.

"Michael L. Bulmer" wrote:

> Toby Sheets wrote:
> >
> > Someone posted the other day how to delete LILO from the master boot
> > record of the C drive. Could you repost? I'm trying to delete Linux from
> > my Primary slave drive but whenever I do LILO (which is on the mbr of
> > the primary master dive) only partially boots and I can't get to
> > Winblows. I need to dump LILO altogether to have a normal boot without a
> > system disk.
> >
> > Toby
> fdisk /mbr

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