Whoops on my part- I thought the "bootnet" image would have an option
to do an SMB install... that's the protocol Windows uses to share
directories, not NFS or FTP.  Windows does not inherently support
either of those protocols; you'll need to download a third-party server.

If you have PWS (Personal Web Server) installed on Windows 98, you can
use the HTTP protocol to install Mandrake.  If you right-click on the
directory, there should be an option called "Web Sharing" (assuming PWS
is installed).  You can then share the directory as, say, "mandrake". 
Then boot the other computer off the floppy, choose "HTTP" when asked,
and when asked for the server, type the Windows machine's hostname (the
name that appears in "Network Neighborhood" and /mandrake is the

If you don't have PWS installed, it is on your Windows 98 CD, under
-Matt Stegman

On 17 Aug, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> First of all, major thanks to Wilhlem and Matt for the help they gave me
> making a boot floppy. Telling me about rawrite changed everything - mucho
> appreciated.
> Now, I have 2 machines networked (one of which has an ADSL to the Net), and
> I have Mandrake 6.0 downloaded to one (a pure Win98 machine - no Linux),
> and I want to install Mandrake on the other machine. The obvious choice is
> an NFS install, so I boot up the machine I want Linux on with bootnet.img,
> and take it from there. I's dead easy - kudos Mandrake! The only problem
> is, when I specify the IP and directory where Mandrake is, it doesn't work.
> I get a very general error back saying it couldn't mount that directory on
> that server.
> I thought the problem might be that I was saying C:\ instead of hda/, so I
> tried the latter, as well as /hda/ and other variants (I don' tknow Unix so
> at that point I was flailing). Stuck, I figured rather than limp about for
> hours I'd suck it up and do an FTP install instead - since I have ADSL I
> figured it'd be doable. but I got the same problem - it didn't like the
> IP/path combo.
> The FTP path was quite a bit of guesswork - it's unclear to me precisely
> what path is expected. I tried several combos but to no avail. Is there
> anyone who has experience with doing an NFS install from Windows, or an FTP
> isntall, who can tell me what my problem is?
> Also, a suggestion for Mandrake - I like the install, but I could really
> benefit from some more detailed error info. I'd like to know whether the
> problem is my path, or I'm not reaching the Itnernet, or something else.
> Thanks!
> Chris

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