On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to change the default startup color depth from 8bpp
> to 16bpp?
Should be able to do it with "startx -- -bpp 16" Does this
not work for you?
> Is there an init file I can edit to add the '-- -bpp 16' settings to? I've
> tried a lot and learned a lot but this has me stumped! ;.-(
Not that I'm aware of, but you CAN create a command in your
~/.bashrc file to autostart X in 16bpp mode. Here's what I
alias sx='startx -- -bpp 16'
Cut that out and paste it into your .bashrc and when you
want to start x, just type "sx" instead of startx. You can
make the alias whatever you want, of course. :-)

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