DoC wrote:
> Hi,
> Err...not always. I agree some of them are quite good but some
> are..well...'error prone'. Eg the Perl 5 one isn't that good. Neither is the
> C/C++ one. There better ones avaliable on the market.

For Perl books, stick with the O'Reilly series -- Learning Perl,
Programming Perl, Advanced Perl 
Programming, Perl/Tk, and Perl Cookbook.  They're written by smart Perl
hackers and I've never been disappointed with 'em.

> > I have to agree with you.  It's the only thing that got
> > me through the Cobol section of a programming languages
> > survey course.
> > >
> > > Dummies books rock!  I love the irreverent tone they use.  :)
> > >
> >

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corp.

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