This isn't a Linux-specific question, but it's still a problem that'll
definitely hose any attempts at using X.

I suspect that my PS/2 mouse port is broken.  Maybe not... but I can't
get it to work.  My DOS mouse driver program never recognizes a mouse on
the port, and Windows doesn't either.  Linux complains a little about it
too!  I tried putting two different mice on the port (to test it), and
one of them has two modes of emulation; I tried both.

Is there some diagnostic I can use to check the quality of my PS/2 port
(which used to work)?  If there's some trouble with it, how can I fix

Andy Goth     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     ICQ: 35256413
"Success is a disease; it can make smart people think they can't lose."
                                -- Bill Gates, on why IBM is going down
                                 (as seen in Pirates of Silicon Valley)
"Down with big brother!"                               -- George Orwell

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