Thanks for all the help guys, I checkout that Kvideo list, looks good,
but I think it's in German only...<G> Will take a closer look when I'm
not so rushed...

Building one myself is outta the question, not my style...<G> Not a very
good programmer at all..<G>

I might have to break down and make a spread sheet for it....:(...

Thanks again people...

> I don't know of anything specific to the task that's available, as that
> seems to be somewhat specialized.  However, it doesn't sound like it
> would be too difficult to accomplish with a database and some PHP code
> (if you don't mind a web interface).  If you'd prefer a standalone app,
> Tcl/Tk or Perl might provide a quick development path for you.
> -- 
> Steve Philp
> Network Administrator
> Advance Packaging Corp.



Jason E.J. Manaigre
Foot to the Wood Productions Limited
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Video Producer | WebMaster | 4x4  maniac
Website :
-Remember if it ain't hard and tough, it's not 4x4ing!

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