I was running ADSL in Spokane last year with apache as civileme.com.
I had a nice 512k up 770k down and got the Festen CD image in about 4
hours.  One thing to check:  Some TELCOs and ISPs do not yet support
Linux, which means you will need a good connection to these lists.

Before USWest supported Linux, I "lied" that I was going to use windows
(Well, I did to set up the connection<g>) then I phoned them and
volunteered to be their Linux support free of charge until they got their
own.  When I left in March, they supported Linux.

I do not know yet whether Prodigy.net supports linux, for example, and
last I checked BellSouth did not.  Really, tell them you'll use windows
because lots of the ISPs and all of the TELCOs are bureaucracies.  I had
DSL and no ISP when I signed up for both with USWest, but my op system
pulled me out of their ISP database (Took 40 days to track THAT down),
and USWest was nice enough to reverse the billing for the DSL I could not
use during that time, sparingf me the expense of litigation, but
eventually I got it.

So, sign up under windows then switch.  They won't tell you how if they
don't support it, but it is NEVER complicated.


Toby Sheets wrote:

> Is this an existing marriage yet? I was planning on getting a DSL line
> in before I dove into this Linux thing.
> TS

Civileme Say:

"He who buys Pentium III had lots of bucks"

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