Civileme wrote:
> DSL is just a digital subscriber line.  It uses a modem on ONE pair of wires
> to the telephone office and a digital signal.  The modem normally operates
> in one of two ways, bridging between your LAN and the ISP's connection, or
> routing.
> What you need to know is that it connects to ethernet.  Your gateway can be
> one computer and masquerade everyone to the internet through it or it can be
> the DSL modem connected to a hub (and every one of your computers plugged to
> the hub will need a REAL internet number)
> You also need to live within 2-3 miles of the nearest telephone substation
> or it won't work at all,  Even within that distance, the loop has to be
> tested for attenuation and noise.  Oddly enough, within that distance,
> "loop certifies" more often than ISDN service.
> DSL/ADSL is usually sold by the telco as a service.  You still need an ISP
> who will connect you to the internet.  MAXIMUM available speeds are
> 1Megabit/s Up and 7 Megabit/s Down.  Usually the speeds sold are quite a lot
> slower,  The reason for speeds different in two directions?  Most
> subscribers DL far more than they upload.  The "A" in ADSL is for
> "Asymmetric".
> DSL is young technology.  It is usually low-priority for telco service, so
> your line is likely to remain broken longer than if you were subscribing to
> ISDN, if ever it breaks.
> As far as setup. that is VERY dependent on your choice of ISP.  Some support
> only bridging mode, others support only routing.  Some hardware will also do
> only one or the other, and hardware usually has tro match on both ends.  My
> Cisco 675 will NOT work with what OTZ Telephone Cooperative has here even
> though they are only one Beta connection at present, they are already
> committee to equipment that does only routing mode.  Even though the Cisco
> will do both, they say it will not work with their equipment.
> I haven't seen any RFCs on DSL, so I don't know if standards exists or if
> it's a series of proprietary wars.  After a cursory search of the web, looks
> like it is a technology originally intended for video transmission, and I am
> uncertain whether one or several standards for the signal modulation exist.
> Anyway, from your software's point of view, DSL is an ethernet connection to
> the internet )or to an intranet, depending on application( , and the setup
> of the modem you do over the phone with your network support people (from
> the ISP or the intranet you are connecting to).
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> There's your primer |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> Hope it helps.

Indeed it does!  I think I learned more in those few paragraphs than
I've been able to glean in months from the telco web pages.

Thank you.
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corp.

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