On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Ken Wilson translated thoughts to electricity:

> Just a thought for all the good people at Mandrake and the
> good people on this list.  It might be in order to deny
> access to this list to any accounts from any of the
> anonymous mail services.

I would have to disagree. I for one, was in the unconfortable position
of having internet access from my company, but I wasnt given a private
mailbox. So I was using a free pop3 service (nettaxi) until a couple of
weeks ago. That of course has nothing to do with me wanting to hide
behind a free provider's address.
> I have seen these seen far too much abuse of these services
> by spammers and other morons (not pointing my finger directly
> at Rick Fry, who am I kidding, yes I am).  I feel if the
> interest in this list is genuine there is no need to hide
> behind the curtain of an anonymous service and it would
> free up the list from this kind of moronic abuse.

I would suggest a "three strikes, youre out" approach. Its popular in
some "family restaurants" here in Mexico city: 
If someone starts using "questionable language" or wants to start a
fight, one of the waiters comes to him and advises him to "not to
disturb the peace"... If it happens a second time, a 2 meter gorilla
approaches the gentleman reminding him of the rules.
If it happens the third time, well... youre out...

I would suggest that we use the same strategy with flamers and trolls

  Jose Alberto Abreu
  Executive Editor
  Plan B Mystical Enterprises
  The Universe is composed of:
   1.- protons
   2.- electrons
   3.- neutrons
   4.- morons

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