On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> Which RPMs will I install and in what order? Since this is an SMP machine,

You'll need only the kernel-smp package, and maybe kernel-source and
kernel-headers if you want to do development.

> I know the kernels I need are the "SMP" kernels, but what about BOOT

The BOOT kernel is for creating installation boot disks. You don't need it
and you don't want to install it.

> and the
> "smp-fb" kernel file? What IS the file "kernel-smp-fb-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm"
> anyway??? I'm guessing that the "fb" part means "floppy boot" but I don't
> know.

The "fb" part means "framebuffer", meaning the kernel supports framebuffer
devices (a way of accessing your VGA card).
It is not enabled in the default kernel because it is broken on some
cards, and there aren't many applications using it (yet) anyway.


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