Which RPMs will I install and in what order? Since this is an SMP machine, I
know the kernels I need are the "SMP" kernels, but what about BOOT and the
"smp-fb" kernel file? What IS the file "kernel-smp-fb-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm"
anyway??? I'm guessing that the "fb" part means "floppy boot" but I don't

I just need a list of the RPMs I need to update and in what order. I
installed Mandrake on my dual-PPro 200 machine today and it had some
problems after I rebooted a couple times -- I did NOT have the problem which
others have listed here with the file system not cleanly unmounting, rather
I had a problem where the system hard-locked at checking /dev/hda at boot.

/dev/hda is an 850 meg IDE made by Conner/Seagate. Mandrake is the ONLY
operating system on the computer.

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