Aaron deRozario wrote:
> How many of G400 Max features are supported by the Xfree86 drivers?  I know
> they have been talking about multi-headed support for dual monitors/cards
> for their next release, but do the current drivers support dual monitors?
> Does anyone know if either the current or future Xfree86 drivers for the
> G400 will allow dual monitor support so that I can view desktop 1 on monitor
> A and desktop 2 on monitor B?
> Likewise does anyone know how long before it will be possible to have 2
> monitors, 2 keyboards and 2 mouse set up on a single Linux machine, allowing
> either 2 users to use the machine, or to allow 1 user to have simultaneous
> control over 2 desktops?

There are already ways to do this without the desktop clutter of a pair
of keyboards and mice!

Using the virtual consoles, you can have quite a few separate login
sessions going.  Same for X.  Both KDE and GNOME support the notion of
virtual desktops, allowing you to switch from screen to screen quickly. 
If you'd prefer for the two graphical sessions to be for different
users, something like "startx -- display :1" should work (not completely
positive on that command line -- the concept does work).

In a "low tech" way, you can always attach a terminal to the serial port
and have users logon that way -- I've got a VT100 terminal on my desktop
that I use quite frequently.  Put in one of those multi-port serial
cards and you could have quite a few of them attached to the machine.
> There are applications and uses of a computer that would benefit from both
> kinds of setup.

And that's one of the things that REALLY drives me nuts when I'm using
Windows at work -- I keep hitting Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get a text terminal,
only to find there isn't one!  Trying to start another graphical session
is the same way.
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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